Our Beginnings

A critical influence on the philosophical development of the firm was their desire to provide clients with a disciplined, business-like approach to managing their money. Clients assume the role of CEO (Chief Executive Officer), determining the strategic direction for their investments, while Zemenick & Walker Inc. assumes the role of CIO (Chief Investment Officer), providing clients with the expertise and advice necessary to manage their portfolio and the resources to carry out their initiatives.
In 2004, Rich and Jim completed the sale of the firm, successfully transferring ownership to the current slate of partners. Rich regrettably passed away in 2020, but Jim maintains his relationship with Zemenick & Walker as a client of the firm and valued mentor to employees. From humble beginnings, the firm now has a dedicated and growing team of eleven with five ownership partners and assets under management of $2.2 billion. Yet while the firm has grown considerably in size and scope over the years, Rich and Jim’s vision and the principles they instilled endure to this day.